Upcoming Events

Below are some of the upcoming public events I will be speaking at about software architecture and microservices. Hope to see you there!

July 2024 Public Events:

Modern Enterprise Architecture Practices
O’Reilly Live Online Training (4 hours)
July 31, 2024  9am - 1pm EDT

August 2024 Public Events:

Analyzing Architecture Risk By Example
O’Reilly Live Online Training (3 hours)
August 1, 2024  9am - 12pm EDT

Iterative Architecture By Example (With Neal Ford)
O’Reilly Live Online Training (5 hours)
August 7, 2024  9am - 2pm EDT

Software Architecture By Example (With Neal Ford)
O’Reilly Live Online Training (4 hours)
August 19, 2024  9am - 1pm EDT

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